20th(fri) Apr – 22nd(tue) Apr, 2018
Opening reception: Fri 20th, Apr : 7- 9pm
Venue: ODD ONE OUT (Hong Kong)
ODD ONE OUT address : 14 St Francis St, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
I believe everyone has a favourite thing they cherish.
Things you picked up, Things you bought, Things you got from someone,Things that have been there forever.
For some, it’s a perfectly round stone.
For others, it’s a toy car
For the rest, it’s a ragged blanket.
– “Okataoka”
This exhibition tells the stories of things that are loved and cherished.
Okataoka was Born in Miyazaki, Japan in 1986. Graduated from the Kuwasawa Design School.Okataoka has contributed illustrations for publications, advertisement and apparel. He has been exhibiting in solo and group shows throughout Japan. He’s also active in the Tokyo music scene due to his flyer artwork and involvement in the band ‘underwater picture book//水中図鑑’.
© 2015 commune all rights reserved.