For the 2023 Nov issue of POPEYE, we were in charge of all 6 pages of text and photos, titled “commune Press Travels Around the World!”. This summer, we participated in art book fairs in LA and San Francisco, and alongside having POP-UP events in LA and London, we visited Paris and Copenhagen. In this feature, we introduce amazing book makers of the artists, publishers and bookstores in 5 cities around the world that we visited. We would like to thank all our great friends who cooperate for this project.
“commune Press Travels Around the World!”
WASTE! @wastestorelondon
Lichen Books @lichen_books
Antwan Horfee @haunted_horfee
Company Studio @company.records @chaz.wick
Unity @unitypress @unityskateboarding
Long Leash Magazines @longleash_magazines
Secret Headquarters @theshq
V1 Gallery @v1gallery
Études @etudes
& Pens @andpens
Needles & Pens @needlesandpens
Yvon Lambert @librairieyvonlambert
Le Petit Voyeur @lepetitvoyeur
Special Thanks: Colin Sussingham, Kylie Chan